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Old 02-13-05, 02:08 PM   #5
Keln WiTz
New to RV
Posts: 24

A quickie...

Turning the tables in this battle...only if he moved out of his mom's basement... *
Going to a retard class... is the only way he gets special placement.
This is like "Back to the Future", because your ryhmes are in the past...
This dude here couldn't get signed if he was wearing a cast!
The only way you're top of the food chain is by standing ontop of Burger King.
Even if he was messing around at a playground, he couldn't throw a swing.
In this battle you're runner-up, like children going up hills.
If $ikewas at Mc-Donalds...the dude would be a kiddie meal.
Call Sike a 'pioneer' of hip hop - he'll drop dead-
That's the day I drop 'Plymouth Rock' on this cock's head...

* Turning tables...moving furniture...moving out...yeah.