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Old 02-14-05, 06:26 PM   #12
in your system
Posts: 7,619
From: Adanac

Voted For: Invektive

invektive all the way...

nvektive only thinks he’s sick, delusional, cause he was born-mental/
You’re done, ya “blows” delivered too late, like overdue porn-rentals//
-nice first line, but second line, i dunno, porn rentals, meh?...5/10

Battlin nobodies your claim to fame you suck, so be glad you met ya match/
Only established in ya sig, you winnin this is like hand amputees playin catch//
-too over played this line is....5/10

Like your avatar your originality is generic, my punches always land the hardest/
Invektive...must be ambidextrous, cause on the other hand yur garbage//
-i dunno, good effort, but second line coulda been worded a lil better 6/10

So what you been herbin geeks, you won 8 now thats absurd to me/
Treat his verse like tha jets kicker... cause that’s where you deserve to be//
-not bad personal, 7/10

overall: 23/40....not bad, good attempt on the vocab, little weak on the deliverly of your punches and personal, needed to be worded a little better, structure was decent, flow a little rough in some spots, not much complexity, alright drop, elevate

your flows are opposite of hard shit...every word you spit's not far from tarnished
your not underrated ......just accept the simple fact that your lyrics are garbage
-solid opener, link in there and everythin 7/10

he part of the grand hustlas...AKA the worst crew to grace the flesh of the site
when your stepping from the front of the only time you blessin the mic
-little choppy on the second line, but good punch 7/10

d be emberassed........if my rhymes came half as weak as yours come dude
good job......your open mic got 2 replies......and one of them were from you
-nice personal, made me laugh....8/10

i can actually agree with you one one thing....half this site think they tight
their minds are obviously mislead...cause they all sound like YOU when they write
-meh, okay, a little stringy, but decent closer 7/10

overall: 29/40....solid drop, read better from you, but not to insult, just not your best...good vocab, originality, personals and punches came harder and did more than opponents, nice flow and structure....little weak on the closer just touch em up a little and your multis thou eh...maybe next time....

vote: Invektive....(sure do love the links eh...haha)

this world is a drug, and everyone's selfish

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