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Old 02-19-05, 06:36 PM   #8
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Posts: 4,727
From: sacramento

Voted For: J DOT

yo j dot you win nuff siad...

i shoudlnt even have to ezplian my CALI said you are one of the doper kids on RV that is about to come up yo

j dot.....nice shit structure was good flow was on point...shit was kinda weak in some areas but you made the differnce with your personals.........if you had a real COMPITITION then this would have bee n alot btter.....becuase htis kid is a newb...he actaully bolded some one words to make his bars
but yeah some shit was dope.///the AUDIO line was nice

SOVERIGN......nice shit but wack at the same time...your structure was mad weak yo...youve been on this site for along itm now and your shit is still wack yo.....try to stay with one name or just be more consistant in battling yo...
but good for a newb..........stay up and elevate....
onelove yo

vote=j dot
my MYSPACE is Better than Yours