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Old 02-20-05, 02:10 AM   #44
Wet Willy
.::Outside The Circle::.
Posts: 58

Voted For: KO-Cain

oo shit.. Kocain my favorite drug came fire on this shit.. u TIGHT FOR A NEWB.. u had nice emotion and good imagery. and this was structured way differently then most topicals out there nowadays. i like how u have a new style.. good flow the whole way thru.. and u actually had multi's in a topical thats pretty dope.. DJ u need to step it up a little bit.. i mean u came hard.. and i believe u would have won this battle but not today and not versus ko-cain.. ur flow was good and u had nice emotion.. but i just felt like i was inside KO's topical.. and i really could get into reading it.. so no hate to either.. KO- just came harder a little bit on this one... DAMN HE SHOULD BE BEST ROOK OF THE MONTH.. kid is fire..
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