Thread: why?.......
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Old 02-21-05, 08:08 AM   #3
Dirty Nigga
E-Style, Bitch.
Posts: 6,728

Nobody replying cause your RIGHT.....

I never used pre-writtens, if i';m out, or watching tv or not here basically, an i think of a hot punch, i'll save it too the archive in my message folder on the cellphone, but thats the only time i ever think of rhymes off the computer...........

For the battle things your saying, peep my ''Keep en open mind'' thread, it'll explain alot too you about your questions

I man shit homeboy, Vets on this site, only vote for vets because basically, they are not individual emcees, there styles are all the same, an they dont like an wont vote for people who have a diffrent style than the style the vets have set it out here on RV, Thats my opinnon anyway.......

People Hate What They Can't Conquer
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