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Old 02-21-05, 12:40 PM   #10
Dirty Nigga
E-Style, Bitch.
Posts: 6,728

Voted For: Invektive

Show, wasnt feeling your opener at all..
It was too basic an didnt hit man

i dont see the point of the parent line?
not very creative here man

the closer, was the best thing you had ta offer show, but still, it wasnt all that tight, especially when ya gonna battle somebody with Invektives caliber.

take more time on ya verses an try an be more creative
4/10 for your verse

ya opener seemed a little forced, like u had ta go an use his name against him, wasnt feeling it ta be honest homie
the casper loine was dope, an the personalafter the casper line hit hard, nce shit

I was feeling the line leading up too the skill level less than mine personals, but i wasnt feeling that personal

the closer was ....okay, i guess, i seen you key up alot better man, but u did enuff ta get my vote

Easy win in my opinnon


People Hate What They Can't Conquer
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