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Old 02-22-05, 05:01 PM   #25
Dirty Nigga
E-Style, Bitch.
Posts: 6,728

Voted For: L.A.

Woah, da fuck is that that Godfather?
i could barely read your verse

The structure is everywhere

But from what i could see, you had nice multies, lacked personals an punches, but the multies were there, IMPROVE YOUR STRUCTURE, an no point using multies if theres no creativity in your personals an punches

L.A Ya had the much more complex verse, easy too read, hard hittin personals an punches, only thing you didnt have was the multies, but besides that, everythin you had ta offer beat Godfathers verse

Decent drop

L.A Gets my vote


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People Hate What They Can't Conquer
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