Thread: Fading Cliches
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Old 02-24-05, 04:33 PM   #1
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Posts: 13
From: Norfolk, VA
Fading Cliches


They say cooler heads prevail so Im as calm as it gets/
Is this a threat or a promise, am I promising threats/
Keep friends close and foes closer till you notice it when/
Your sworn enemies have found their way close to your friends/
Live by the gun die by the gun, reach if ya packin/
Actions speak louder than words but can you speak for them actions/
Is it better to have loved and lost then never loved at all/
What if you lost ya love for something special then what is the call/
A picture’s worth a thousand words my words are worth a thousand pictures/
Can you picture that, if not looks like I haven’t found the mixture/
The truth hurts but sets you free but never free from the pain/
But you know what they say that’s the only way of achieving a gain/
They say be true yet be different, what the heck is the norm/
Then they say get woth the program you’d better reform/
Yo they say this and that, and it’s the sayings we say/
That lost meaning over time nothing but fading clichés/
If Venom is the Black God then the mic is Jesus
So hot, I gave my mom gonorrhea from spitting when I was a fetus

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