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Old 02-25-05, 12:10 AM   #8
The Ups and Downs of Life
Know-Gimix's Avatar
Posts: 2,887
From: 845

Originally Posted by Doomsday
Yeah, fuck all you dickbreathed homos who start your threads like "I have the biggest..." then cut off your main point of your useless freepost of a thread, just to open it up and read the word "hemroid!". Your thread's GOTTA be useless as shit if you're trying to sucker people into looking at it.

Oh, I'd also like to add an equal 'fuck you' to any of you assheads that are "retiring". rap on the net. You just mastered the art of DLing porn and typing with one hand and now you're "retiring". This is a phase for you, just liek your Pokémon cards were. You put in no real time or made any achievements to be "retiring". If you announced to your employer that you're "retiring", he's gonna say "'re jsut quitting. You haven't been here long enough or done anything big enough to be "retiring". Besides that, no one that matters knows who you are. Your retirement is about as important as little Timmy retiring from little league or Manuel retiring from mowing the lawn.

Fuck you dingleberries that think you're greater than those that do text. Your Sound Click account dosen't make you a mic ripper. And for the record - if you sucked in text, you still suck in audio, just that now we can hear exactly how much.

Fuck you cockjockeys who make some homo-ass crew and think your'e taking anything over, lol. "Yeah Nigga, this the take ova!!". No son. Once your mom finds out you're still online this late, she's gonna "take over" your fuckin ASS. And once's the net. No one important knows or gives a shit. Go "take over" a fuckin book.

Fuck you rookie-ass niggas who do something halfassed then say "yeah but it's my first time". So what?? You're stepping into the big leagues (as far as Net crap goes) then make a fuckin kindergarten excuse when your shit blows the big one. There's no pity awards or pussy merrits. If your shit blew, jsut say "yo, it sucks and I wanna improve it". Dont go trying to hang with the big dogs when you KNOW your shit sucked. Just say it sucks and ask for help.

I say all this to say: This is the net. You rap here. Cool. Don't get an e-go about your shit. Come humble, learn something, grow musically, and keep it moving.

Oh yeah - fuck any of you haters that are bound to come in here and cry that I didn't pat you on your head like your fat sloth of a mom does. Both of you are ruining the form of music I enjoy the most. Have a nice day you useless waste of life!!

that musta took along time... I'da just said, fuck you all you suck, and wondered why everyone was pissed at me. good job
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