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Old 02-26-05, 02:04 PM   #1
I'm no vet!..just skilled
Posts: 575
Everyone Stop Complaining About RV.........


everyone should leave it alone..........and stop complaining............

the problem with RV is that it doesnt have enough vets that stay active......on RB....most of the old vets r still active......people here win a couple of battles....then say that their retired......and after that all they do is freepost.......and the leagues are full of no shows.....what this site needs is vets to stay around and dominate things....until....some newb gits better and challenges them.....and so on and so on......but people here just leave...or say there retired.....and no one try's to git any better at anything cause theres no vets they only have to be so good to be considered great....cuz theres no one to challenge them......and to have a good site.....everyone cant just be good at audio....or everyone cant just be good at text.......u gotta balance it out......and when it comes to crews everyone needs to be loyal and stick with there crews....cause if u dont....then what the hell is the point to a crew..............and everyone wants to be on the dream team with all the best people...but dream teams dont last.....I mean look at Crhyme Sindicate and the council...they've been on top for a long time...and have never claimed to be a dream team....and plus they actualy recruit newbs....and try to improve there everything from text, to topical, to open mics, to audio.....these r the things that r really the problem.......

but i shouldnt have to say any of this cause its all been said before....mabe not all at the same time but its all been said....but no one try's to fix it....we just complain.....
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