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Old 02-28-05, 12:55 AM   #10
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From: sacramento

your qaulity is a lil better but kinda bad still

style needs work still but you finding it tho...
emotion is mad dope,,,,you got emotion yo....

1st verse..
lyrics was good, emotion was great, shit was done well, the only thing i wasnt feeling was how you ended that verse...shit could have ended alit i was like"WTF happened why he stop?"
but all in all pretty dope....not the best ive heard form you but decent enufff

2nd verse....
flow was not as good as before...dont like how you used the same word hella times to end a line... you kinda fell off beat in certain spits......lyrics where defenetly as ghood as before, you need to write more yo, dont just finish this shit with a BLAH verse, take time yo....once again i wasnt feeling how you exited this verse either yo

good song but some minor flaws yo.......stay up and elavte your will come yo,,,,you almost got it
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