Thread: Race Interveiw
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Old 03-05-05, 05:17 PM   #1
Kawn Flixx
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Posts: 11,115
Race Interveiw


Aight There's alot of race questions floatin around.
So me a black dude and Fi-del a white dude
just answered eachothers questions.

So enjoy.

INDEPH11 [1:31 PM]: 1st question:
Do you feel Black peopel sayin Nigga and your race not bein able to is fair?

puregenious2 [1:33 PM]: yeh..its fair ...the word nigga has history behind it...its not a word thats just lightly used in some cases........when i hear guys getting pissed cause they been called white boy..but feel they cant say nigga..i cant really agree..cause the word white boy doesnt have history...

INDEPH11 [1:33 PM]: Oh OK coo

2nd Question:
do you take 'cracker' offensive in any way?

puregenious2 [1:35 PM]: Personnaly i dotn take offence to any pointless name calling...but the word cracker has an offensive side...simply because it was made to be offensive.....

INDEPH11 [1:35 PM]: Yeah I agree..

3rd Question:
Which side do you think has more rasism expressed?

puregenious2 [1:37 PM]: I think every race has rasicm expressed....but at times it seems to be done in retaliation...... i think it is spread equally across every race.....even though we are really one race.

INDEPH11 [1:38 PM]: Yeah True that.
Question Four:
Do you think the recent race related threads posted my create a tense enviorment in Rv?

puregenious2 [1:41 PM]: for a while..yes.. these threads are pointless...... they are not a way to solve anything...just make things worse.....we are a hiph op site...hip hop is a a way of bringing cultures together....we dont need rasicm here....were all here for the love of hip hop......for the love of all white latino mexican aisan samoan moari arab ....fuck were you from...we all live in hip hop.

INDEPH11 [1:42 PM]: Werd Cuz..
Last question:
Do you agree with Ultimate Spy's thread?

puregenious2 [1:47 PM]: lol. NO!!! ..but on that note...... Im white..dont get it twisted... but i feel ...this is the year 2000..times have changed from slavery real niggas....i feel as if niggas should be proud of the word....because of the history behind stand for what they been thru..proves they are soldiers and have made it thru years of pathetic rasicm and bullshit from others.....that they shoudl now accept that word...and BE PROUD TO BE A NIGGA....if blacks start to accept it..and be proud...then how can it be used against them as a racist slur???

INDEPH11 [1:48 PM]: WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

INDEPH11 [1:48 PM]: ur turn
puregenious2 [1:49 PM]: whats your personal view on racism?

INDEPH11 [1:50 PM]: can u expand on that? it seems a bit general
puregenious2 [1:50 PM]: not a good interview....let me start again..hoe..

INDEPH11 [1:51 PM]: Lol aight

puregenious2 [1:52 PM]: first question- with all these threads being made.....if one was made saying "fuck niggas" and the content was endliss rasial attacks....would it help if you made on saying"fuck whites" simp,y in retaliation?

INDEPH11 [1:54 PM]: Emotional and To settle Anger Yes.
But with the right state of mind?Of course not.
IT creates a war enviorment and seperates the races..which we do NOT need right now.
Since this even effected Telivision,like networks even dwell on peoples reacist thoughts,like comedy central is all race jokes.
Racism can never help anything.

puregenious2 [1:55 PM]: second question- im white. if i came up to you and said whats up would you react?

INDEPH11 [1:58 PM]: Good question,for You?I would be coo.
But if it was a white person I don't know.I would fuckin kill thme.Seriously Kill them.
Its just since they are aware that its offensive
and instead of excepting its offensive,they
just call us ignorant for bein offended? its
just like when u see a Non hiphop dude say "homie" u know its mocking,but if a hiphop dude say it,its no problem,its all about comfort.
If I'm comfortable with you,say it.

puregenious2 [1:59 PM]: coo

puregenious2 [1:59 PM]: 3rd question-do you think aguing and blaming certain races is a way to solve rasicm?

INDEPH11 [2:03 PM]: No!Honestly racism will NEVER end.EVER.Just like Kanye West said "Racism still alive people just need to ceilin it"...racism will only fade out the public eye at least...people will always be racist..but some won't admit it..believe it or not alot peeps do are racist and they don't know it.
Like look at Isis' thread,its 97% hate..but Spy's thread is the same thing in reverse..but its 60% hate...but even if Isis' motives were a retaliation to Spy' wasn't a good move..
Since now RV's just one big War...

puregenious2 [2:05 PM]: 4th question-do you think this war will cause tension on rv between the many diffrent races we have?


puregenious2 [2:05 PM]: werd!

puregenious2 [2:06 PM]: last question- are you proud to be a nigga?

[2:08 PM]: Yeah,I'm proud to be myself more so.
I'm proud of everything about me.My weight my face my personality,my girl,the way I fuckedu p grades..everything.
Even if some peeps wanna say Im ANYTHING less of a man,cause I'm black,Envy's me and veiws me as a threat.

puregenious2 [2:08 PM]: coo


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