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Old 03-08-05, 08:34 PM   #62
Yea.. Im Still Dope ! !
TheFlowIsSick's Avatar
Posts: 10
From: New York.......New York

Voted For: Buck.Shot

Buck Shot took this battle... Buck ya opener was pretty good, set up line was stretched but other than that it was good.. you stayed consistent in understood your punch about sitting on the fence but that was wack.. last bar was good also

Overall : 7.5/10


Your verse was pretty wack.. punches werent as good as you could have made them a couple decent personals and a few good metas but you werent real consistent with your verse, your first 8 lines were just decent, nothing good there, you had one good bar the tongue one other than that, your verse was a dissapointment.

overall : 4.5/10

Vote: Buck.Shot

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