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Old 03-09-05, 10:54 AM   #1
Obscure Intelligence
*DipSet*'s Avatar
Posts: 252
From: Behind Your Head With A Glock
Da Lyrical Assassin


This is a Textual Interpertation of An Assassin's Life.......Da Lyrical Assassin... Its kinda long, but u won't be Mad

This target's important because the mark's an informant/
Forced to testity tomorrow due to NARC's & extortion/
He's guarded by four men... in a suite, at the Marriott/
Got orders to off him, so I'll see that they're carried out/
I had talked to intelligence, they outlined the top floor/
Two agents inside the room, two outside of a locked door/
This was all confirmed to me, by some spy's and voyeurs/
I'm set up in a furnished suite, courtesy of my employers/
It's five floors below the target... I'm prone to start this/
With no regard for human life, cuz I'm cold and heartless/
So I depart the room, gun equipped and armed to shoot/
With a couple clips hidden in my custom fitted Armani suit/
I already knew I'd take the stairs.... I came prepared/
Intel said there's no surveillence or agents stationed there/
I explore with optics, then open the door and walk in/
No one spotted, so I ascend up the 5 floors with caution/
I depart the stairwell... & didn't appear to make a noise/
For a second I pause, and listen to hear an agent's voice/
There's no change in ploys, seems it's now in order/
I need to know their locations, so I peep around the corner/
One on each side of the door, talkin' like they're bored/
It's just me and them, cuz noone else occupies the floor/
I take a breath, take a step, and steadily aim the lead/
In a few seconds, I left two embedded in each agents head/
No crash in the hall, there's hardly a thump or a sound/
With backs to the wall, the bodies just slump to the ground/
I walk over and rummage around, start to search 'em/
Looking for the keycard, but nothing is found on the first one/
So I check the second body, it was stored in a pocket/
I grab the keycard, and slide it through the door to unlock it/
Turning the handle without hesitation, i swing it open/
Everything's in focus before the agents can blink or notice/
I'm going in, slow motion, with both of 'em stone frozen/
One on the bed, the other one close to the phone smokin'/
They're both in my line of fire, so I'm aiming the glock/
Towards the agent on the bed, and I got his cranium locked/
Twice it fires, his life expires; the other agent flinched/
So my gun is raised an inch, he becomes the sight advent/
I pull the trigger, a cigarrette drops from the fourth Fed/
Forget the bullshit, I just left a bullet lodged in his forehead/
Intel said four agents, and I just left all of the four dead/
Then I saw the informant, curled up in a ball by the floorvent/
He's shakin' in fright, so I walk over and say to the guy/
"Get on your knees,face the wall and then pray for your life"/
He obeyed and obliged, I can see through the dread/
That's displayed in his eyes, as I put the heat to his head/
Then I let the hammer hit the pin, to nullify the issue/
Let a bullet fly,it ripped through his skull and fried the tissue/
The gray matter in his brain splattered all over the wall/
Now I got to go and retrieve the bodies of those in the hall/
It's not a problem, i just put my gun by my abdomen/
Go and grab a Fed, then one after the other, I drag them in/
More than likely, it'll be an hour before they find these/
Agents dead, so I hit the exit, then close the door behind me/
I begin walkin' towards the stairs, descend five flights/
Take an elevator to the bottom floor prepared to end my night/
After exiting through the lobby, the job is now complete/
So with hands in my pockets I start walkin' down the street/
As I get to the corner I realize that lifes a Fad/
So I pull out my pen and Jot my experience in a Notepad/

Uppin for Responses.......*Hand me my Grammy*

-:Me V%S J.Burkez:-

-:Me V%S BiZzo:-

Dont Become a Number

on my shit list
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