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Old 03-11-05, 03:03 PM   #32
As Seen On T.V.
Posts: 1,498

Voted For: Black Queen

Comparing ur text to mine is like comparing playboy to the bible
Cause Buck just a cheap substitution for something desirable
No satis..faction, deep breathe and pause to effect,
He lost so many battles he still dont think dat he whack
*uhh nah....
But if you wanna go for rapping, i'll take you out in sections,
Voting is extremly one sided, like a cuban prez election
*maybe true but not effective
But if you wanna try and win, by all means go for it,
Or you can be a bitch and hide in a hole, gopher it
Hold the glamour now, pretend like you a movie big fuckin star,
Cuz after these hits, your head will be seeing moving stars
*something a bit deeper maybe
ya lines ridiculous, like mute cows, i herd you were dumb
i could "ridicule less" but that wouldn't be as much fun
*ok, decent at best...

ya verse was aight, nothing exciting.. but i still feel you beat buck... he was even less decent, punches were not at all personal. but seems rv forgot bout personals, they just punch punch punch, o well, your win... in my book, heres a vote.

vote/ BQ
quote your own damn lyrics...