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Old 03-11-05, 08:49 PM   #10
Bangalore's Avatar
Posts: 3,129
From: Chicago,IL

Voted For: Invektive

Invektive-eh man i wasnt really feel'n ya flow on this one.. but ur punches i was def like'n ha ... your opener could have hit alot harder.. a tad bit stretched.. you actually had a decent structure.. your wordplay could have been a little better.. but over all a very decent drop. you did have some flow.. and you had alot of good personals..

Tony Green..- uhh where do i start? your structure was very off... punches ....uhh i didn't feel any ....wordplay really need to elevate.. invektive.. why you call'n out kids like this lol u know u can merk em... umm but otherwise i thought your drop was a lil below average.. you need to up your skill level before battl'n cats like invektive

no hate jus elevate

for the simple reason of having punches....that actually dissed and personals.. i'll go with......

Â-balam balam i treat yall like cans of spam

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