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Old 03-13-05, 03:20 PM   #4
Odi et Amo
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Posts: 3,675
From: Alosta City

Been forced to be a fighter from the start
Born and raised with such a competitive mind
Always craving for a tad of their attention
Fears of being alone tortured me each day
Locked up inside my sister's obscure shadow

And so I promised to myself:
"I'll be the best...someday..."

That one promise kept me going in this crazy, hectic world
Because to win in life, you have to become one of them
One of those heartless cruel creatures without morals
One of those materialistic assholes without compassion
...One of them...

And so I said to myself:
"Never look back, only forward"

That one sentence brought me to where I am this day
Am constantly climbing up the ladder by all means
...Forward, not back...
Why bother to look back at those annoying obstacles?
Why care about all the lives ruined by my rapacity?

And so I convinced myself:
"You're doing good, keep going"

But deep inside, there is an conscience...
As I gaze in the mirror, I see a bitter ruthless woman
Money can provide everything except what really matters
Those little green papers cannot fill in the emptiness
They cannot turn back time and let me erase my mistakes
They cannot heal the pain I caused all these years
Nothing can abolish my fears
For they have already been realized

And so my strength became my weakness

Authentik Intelligence

...The future is mine...

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