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Old 03-14-05, 12:49 PM   #12
Yea.. Im Still Dope ! !
TheFlowIsSick's Avatar
Posts: 10
From: New York.......New York

I cant believe im saying this but i agree with Buck.Shot

The mods are being bias to certain people. For example pop lotty did go over the line limit. If he didnt understand the rules he should have asked a mod. So Bucks team should have got the win for that. But the mods seem like they want certain teams in and certain teams out. If people doubled the line limit they should be out of the tourney and mods shouldnt abuse their powers by adding them back into the tourney cause they were confused.

If youre confused ask a mod what to do, Its not fair to the people who dropped on time and who dropped the right number of lines.

*This Was A Public Service Announcement Brought To You By FlOw InTeLLiGeNt*

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