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Old 03-16-05, 06:55 AM   #43
metaman's Avatar
Posts: 137
From: Detroit

Voted For: Murdz

alright here's how i saw this battle...

structure/flow: murdz's structure was more on point, i thought... prophysics you generally have the same structure in all your battles, but you win with your punches... so no surprise that you lost this category here

punches: prophysics just didn't come as hard this time around... what the heck was that vanerial disease line? lol... murdz you had a couple decent punches but a lot of it was self-glorifying, so work on using more personals

vocab: i think murdz took this category pretty easily, pro you gotta elevate beyond fucking fat girls homey

overall: i give this one to murdz, but this wasnt a very impressive battle, no hate

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