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Old 03-17-05, 10:10 AM   #22
Dirty Nigga
E-Style, Bitch.
Posts: 6,728

Voted For: Non Capisco

This kid’s a newb, cuz it seems that you lack of a damn location
You on my level? You’re not even close to the steps of elevation
too played out
if ya gonna use 'elevation' more creative

He’s just another damn bitch…who practically likes to face newbies
Your still unknown kid...cuz all of saying “wait who is he?”
that is irrelivant tooi an emcee battle lol

I’ll fake-hit this bitch hea, and then jab his ass with my right
I mean, you can only make your punches hot if they were this bright
build up line was BLAH, Okay persoonal on the second line tho...

Cant copy n paste your closer, but, it was aight, using his own quote against him, that was prolly the highlight of what proved ta be a very basic verse..............
not much creativity within your lines, an the vocab an wordplay wasnt hard hittin......
too simple, no hate tho

Non Capisco:
hate 2 b honest, but my rhymes is like "Scissors" ur shits like "Paper"
....listen, you beat'n me is like a midget jump'n over a skyscraper
nothin special, but it stood out over his rhymes because it was diffrent an somewhat creative

.......i'm like a lyrical "chainsaw" ........i'll cut your verse in half
......your style is like the "Dice"........its not even worth a laugh
sorry not sure i understand the concept of dice an a laugh...
that was ya only weak line in the battle tho?

Your "Punches" is like a "Bitch Slap"no "Pain" jus a "Quiet Smack"
..."Evolution" the only thing you evolving from is str8 wack
not bad closer....
some alright stuff, wordplayin was nice, an using his name against him, it beat his closer

Non capisco gets this.....
much more wit within his verse, a little humour too, especially in the opening line, shit was nice

creativity an better wordplay gets Non my vote....
not the strongest punches from either
but non was definately more creative, so he get my vote



People Hate What They Can't Conquer
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