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Old 03-17-05, 10:38 PM   #4
Banned: Cheating
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Posts: 5,148
From: West, Canada

Mortal Experience

3 years ago grandma started getting lots of Pain
I almost thought it was my fault so I was Ashamed
She started going to the hospital daily since Then
Grandpa helped out, grandma couldn’t hold a Pen
I should of to visited more, I guess I chose Wrong
Such a crazy phenomenon but grandma was Strong..

Grandma was smart, always loved to help out a Lot
She fought for others, intelligence was what she Brought
Everyday she had to go through that suffering & Pain
Grandpa must a been insane to not think it was a Game
She lasted so long, I thought she was more then Mortal
She was immortal, like she came from an alien Portal..

3 Months ago she was back in another hospital Bed
I visited once, tried not to say something I would Dread
I didn’t understand what the problem was at the Time
So I went on with my friends, had fun at most the Time
I tried not to think about her but I just really could Not
She surprised me in how much she fought for her Life
I knew that Christ had to have been in helping Out
But I also knew that her time to parish was at Bout..

4 days after I saw her, she was gone forever & Ever
All of the family was sad, asking why grandma is Sever
Apart from me I felt different cause I never Visited
I should have committed myself, helped out & Visited
Now I powder if I would have if she’d still be Alive
She had the thrive to stay up but she didn’t Survive..

R.I.P. Denise Harder..
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