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Old 03-19-05, 03:54 AM   #22
Light Weight
Posts: 389
This was feedback posted for Buck.Shot


ok youi win becuase your strucutre, thats al, but you also had some good lines but you should have tried a lil harder, atleast you should have took the full hour to write yours, but i guess it was good enough, but dope battle , you both could have re-worded some bars to make them sound and hit more better, but other than that it was a pretty good battle,

chaos, you had mad multies, but you had a wierd rhyme cheme, it wasnt the same through out the whole battle which made it hard to read, but good shit yo, i liked it alot, you had hella fucking dope metaphores, but if only you would have re-worded your lines, becuase they would have hit hella harder, but good shit

i cant vote becuase of my post but heres feedback