Thread: Wordman.. PIcs
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Old 03-21-05, 07:39 AM   #119
vanquising Mc's Daily
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Posts: 1,684
From: Halifax, Canada

Originally Posted by Red Bull
Thought I would just tell this Blood last time...

You look like a faggot, and I know I don't have my pics posted. Want to know why? Because I came to a rap site, to do rap things, not to post my picture. Notice how like 98% of RV is guys? You post your pictures for guys to look at... Think about it for a second before you call me gay. Ohhhhhh you posted a pic of a girl saying she is your girlfriend. For all we know, it's your sister. Go off thinking you're cool, buddy your 20...? What the fuck you doing on a kids site anyways man? For a 20 year old, you are a pretty pinner fuck too, you should try this thing called weight lifting...that or eating...cause you are a bitch. Come back and say whatever you want, they all fake personals, you don't know fuck about me.

Have a good day... and please kill yourself .

hahahaha...Damn its been like two days since i have said anything, i really had you shook you little fagget, i really had you going hahah... damn.. fucken owned yah dumb ass. Blood Wannabe? hahahah why cause there is a dash of red on my shirt.. Fuck your Dumb.. Man half the shit you say is just soo fucken stupid, must be all that cow shit getting to your brain. Oh and about that 98% of RV is guys and you dont wanna post yah pic cause of that, Well that does not Stop you from comming into the Mugshots thread every 5 min to crtique every GUYS picture, you little closet Fag..i know plenty about you with out seeing a picture.. I know your Insecure of yourself, that you cant stand to look in the mirror cause your a ugly bitch, that you think about men more often then not, and your trying to figure out why, or you think its a faze.. its NOT your a fag!!!.Now shut up.. and sit back down cause i own your stupid ass.. Beotch.. Damn iam killing you
fuck you

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