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Old 03-22-05, 09:06 AM   #26
Da Vinci
Posts: 2,735

Your a half-wit, seriously what grade are you in?

I said think about what your doing for the very obviouse and aparent reason that yoru calling out a crew that hasn't been active for at least a month. I think I've posted on RV I dunno maybe 4-5 times in the last 3-4 weeks. For that matter when was the last time you saw more than any activity from any Council members???

Jesus, I mean it doesn't take a dairy farmer to know when milk is sour does it??? I guess aparently it does. You calling out the The Council is like running up to a blind man and calling him a coward cause he won't go street racing with you.

"Think this out, think what your trying to do here"
I'd hate to think that RV has come to a bunch of adolecent teens who just shoot there mouth off while they wait for puberty to hit.

And I don't want to hear any of this "fuk you council mang you ain't shyt, yall bytch made." Your waisting your fuking time, I've never net-beefed and if I did a net-crew would certainly not be the instigator.

So just prove everything I said up here right, and start bitching. Or accept it, either way I don't give shit.
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