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Old 03-23-05, 08:23 AM   #13
Posts: 13,383
From: Canada

Originally Posted by $ Wordman $
Let Me see.. I only Hate 2 People and by the looks of things everyone else does to...

Lets Break it Down.

1. Red Bull

Reason: B/C he thinks he is tough, Living on a farm.. Nuff said, and the Only Thing good in his life is a 9 .2 on he says) and a Online Crew.. its soo sad i almost Feel Bad..

1. Kesse

Reason: B/C He cant think for himself, and takes Online Crews way to serious.. lol.. Like this guy would die for people he has never met. Get a Life or a real Friend.. wanker

The Reason I listed both as 1 is cause Kesse and Redbull are such faggets together, they Might as well Be conjoined twins.. Or wait maybe they are the same person.

P.s Go kill yourselves.. Please..

9.8 Hoe

Never said I was tough once. You're the one acting tough on the fuckin' net, so I asked if you lived anywhere near by... your reply: I'm a bitch ass pussy who can't fight, I'd pay 25 bucks to have you killed. I'm so fuckin' gay.

Oh yeah, you have a fat girlfriend/sister.

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