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Old 04-01-05, 06:11 PM   #1
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I Am The Next Jesus


without these, you'll NEVER be free from your psychological depression. WE ALL HAVE THE ANSWER. THIS IS NOT A MOVIE GET EVERYTHING YOU LEARN FROM T.V AND OTHERS OUT OF YOUR HEAD CLEAR YOUR MIND OF EVERYTHING BUT BEING ABLE TO ADDRESS YOUR EMOTIONS ACCURATELY, YOU CANNOT NOT THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE BUT DOING THAT!!!. everybody if you want to be happy learn all this. Today is the beginning of the end of your suffering. but it will take a while


Mental Exercise ___1


These exercizes seem insignificant to a person that seeks not his own true nature. Your foolishness is not your doing, you have been tricked. All of your ignorance is an illusion.

Reconfigurating ability to address emotions

During this, stop using slang, cliche, stop being awe'd by others words, avoid tring to excentuate your feeling making them feel "perky" or "unnessesary excitement of words". Begin to accurately address your emotions with words that seem to attach to your emotions. While you do this you are reconfiguring how you address your words to your emotions. Write about your problems, why you can't speak them accurately. Why you get stuck when you in a convesation and have to use other words that do not address your emotions. Why you can't say the words you feel its because you don't know them and not used to addressing them to the emotion you are feeling. This may take time and it is very stressing. Within time, you will see a difference and you will have made progress to addressing your emotion perfectly. Slang, cliches, etc. are not what they mean what this does is replaces natural perception of emotions with a word stripped of its origional emotion then given another willed by its creators wishes. In the process of stripping words from its origional feeling, you will have to conjure a word that will accomidate the true feeling. You'll get to the point where you'll no longer need paper. When reconfiguring you will be exercizing the finalization of accurate words according to your true feelings thus creating a new perception. When these words are exercised enough by assigning them to your true feelings you won't need paper anymore because you've exercised the words enough to the point they have become your perception. Through continuous exercizing you will eventually have finalized your perception structured in comparison to your feelings and you will be able to "FEEL WITHOUT FEELING" and developing expressive memory.


Gaining knowledge from multiple perspective analyzation

A feeling that is in need of conversion from understanding to knowledge can be translated to many different forms. This form must be as accurate as the origional translation. This is the only exercise I condone with the use of clich'es, slang, inaccurate expression and/or not thinking ( expression without thought structured to the true feelings construct). If accurate expression appeals to you more then thats acceptable. While constructing sentances it is not most perferrable to not think due to the recomendations of my next instructions. While constructing random forms or accurate forms of expression you must use the THOUGHT SPLITTING EXERCISE

Splitting your thoughts for ease of addressing complex issues

There is a difference in "thinking accurately or inaccurately" and "not thinking accurately or inaccurately."

With a feeling that needs to be translated from understanding to knowledge, first start your thought in accurate or inaccurate form. Following your feelings and what words you know them to be in either an explaination, interpretation or other forms of communication and expression. When you have started writing you may come to a point where you may want to complete your thought in either accuracy or inaccuratcy. At this point you must learn to remember emotional placement of the sentance point you stopped at this point MUST be remembered WHILE you think of the sentances proceeding expressions in order to complete your thought. At first this may seem difficult to accomplish if you are not used to thinking. This is the origional exercise that song writers are either born with or gain with their maturity. This exercise manipulates your perception for either maximum accuracy or inaccuracy in expression. When you feel comfortable writing your thoughts and splitting them and putting them together, you will learn how to include this in your everyday communications. Eventually, this exercise will merge with your perception giving you the ability to "THINK WITHOUT THINKING." This also improves long term memory


Expanding Short term, long term Memory

Do the exercises I provided. It should come to you, it is hidden within and will become slightly apparent after being thoroughly trained in all exercises. Or whomever is receptive to an exercise should contribute to my publishings for the good of humanity.

Our perception has been seperated into many complete structures. Commoners, citizens, poor people, rich people start with no sense or form of true thought. NO STRUCTURAL FORM OF TRUE THOUGHT - where the world is right now

THINKING - you begin not to accept how you speak and see that there is something wrong according to your feelings. Politions, The people in the government, Those in the highest professional positions in most of our businesses ignore how they feel and use words that scientists derived from the communications construct perception that is equal to the feelings construct in order to disalign the communications construct from the feelings construct. A large percentage of these words can be found in the dictionary.

KNOWING - beginning to realign and reconfigure the brains perception according to the feelings construct due to practice of mental exercises you will begin to express yourself more clearly and addressing your emotions will be easier.

REALIZE - This is the most difficult, this is the area where the semi-delusional people like wise men and preachers do no know of. And ven jesus that TOLD but didn't TEACH how not to sin, not to kill, not to steal, love thy neighbor. Jesus was used as the object of essence that controls people by telling them not teaching them while people that are using wordsthat do not address their feelings read jesus' words and recieve the false message and believe it because their words are not aligned with their feelings. There is proof because we will not be IN heaven, we will be ON heaven which is earth. Heaven will decend upon earth as it says in revelations when we all realize and then aquire our feelings construct. When your words are not in alignment with your feelings, you are using cliches, you are using slang, ghetto cliches, ghetto slang or any word or phrases you hear someone else say. This area is where the answers are apparent. What I have written in my first post in here will open your mind to this area of understanding then you will be studying in order to free your mind. There is a activation for certain understanding then it must be converted to knowledge for others to interpret.
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