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Old 04-01-05, 06:27 PM   #5
New to RV
Posts: 7

My name is David, I'm african american and I have found the key
to realization which is acheiving a complete understanding of
your feelings and the awareness of the things that happen
around you and to you so you will no longer ask why. not too
far into the book of revelations, you can find my name when its
talking about the church of philadelphia and you will find the
"key of david" within the first few verses. Philadelphia can
also mean "brotherly love" because of the ways the blacks treat
each other in the state of philadelphia in america. It says
they that say they are the ones that I love are liars. And that
he that have the key of david will make the wicked bow at their
feet. So when god says that those that says he loves them are
liars he means that their teachings are lies! The books before
revelations do not teach us to follow our feelings because they
are a way of man, you are simply told to follow god and christ
with all your mind heart and soul and he will protect you. Our
feelings are apart of the ways of men, so if this practice is
not allowed by god then how can we think properly? I am here to
say that they are lying to you and that if your thoughts are
not structured and in accordance to your true feelings you will
be stripped of your ability to think and speak your feelings
accurately which would then cause confusion and there will be a
high possibility that it will develop into something worse
depending on your awareness. Earth is heaven and hell and I
have the key to heaven which is sight and happiness. Sight and
being able to see means understanding.

My name is David, I'm african american and I have found the key
to realization which is acheiving a complete understanding of
your feelings and the awareness of the things that happen
around you and to you so you will no longer ask why. not too
far into the book of revelations, you can find my name in when
its talking about the church of philadelphia and you will find
the "key of david" within the first few verses. Philadelphia
can also mean "brotherly love" because of the ways the blacks
treat each other in this state of america. It says they that
say they are the ones that I love are liars. And that he that
have the key of david will make the wicked bow at their feet.
So when god says that those that says he loves them are liars
he means that their teachings are lies! The books before
revelations do not teach us to follow our feelings because they
are a way of man, you are simply told to follow god and christ
with all your mind heart and soul and he will protect you. Our
feelings are apart of the ways of men, so if this practice is
not allowed by god then how can we think properly? I am here to
say that they are lying to you and that if your thoughts are
not structured and in accordance to your true feelings you will
be stripped of your ability to think and speak your feelings
accurately which would then cause confusion and there will be a
high possibility that it will develop into something worse
depending on your awareness. Earth is heaven and hell and I
have the key to heaven which is sight and happiness. Sight and
being able to see means understanding.

we are worshipping the god that the aliens set up for us. As
one or ALL these gods are the IMAGES/IMAGE OF THE BEAST, which
operate as our perceptions and how we think and we believe the
things people do are our true realities. The psychological
confusion has become a complete perception due to those in
power that wished to create a new perception by making people
do things that they would not do. Now As these acts are being
performed a person develops a perception that becomes the
opposite of their feelings and because of their actions which
might have been mistreating others would probably and hopefully
(by those in power) to be interpreted as unavoidable,the way of
life or any other perception that would not see the
interpretation as false.. Or an action that shouldn't be
wished to happen by anyone, which would be to kill someone
and this god's name is biblically encrypted as satan and as an
angel. Why it can be decrypted is because we have new words
that can accurately express and compare to our feelings
construct. Before there was a lack of understanding of the
capabilities of our thoughts. The words of people like moses
and abraham are now obsolete because of the words we have
now... psychological for example. In order to "see" we must
convert the words we gained from our actions to the words of
our feelings. The action we currently have NOW a are
inaccurate duplications of the feelings construct. If there is
an area that seems "blocked" so we can't understand it, it is
because part of the complete thought which would be a
incomplete structure has been cloaked by your inaccurate
perception! When All is understood only then can you feel your
feelings which is called realization. the real god is in
revelations my teachings that led me to realization is the key
in revelations. The god you all worship is THE GOD OF
SUFFERING. because he uses us to magnify his glory.
The god in revelations is the real one because my teachings
lead to my key in revelations. If my teachings were wrong I
would not have been led to my key. If I followed the teachings
of the books before revelations, I would NOT have been lead to
my key. it becomes apparent to me that since the first books do
not teach you the understanding of self then IT IS a different
god we are worshipping since my teachings of self led me to
whats in revelations!

We have not seen the real god but we will in the end, this is
the god that we will all love. I assure you that this god would
NOT send us to hell as long as we wanted to be with him. And I
am here as his words for you to choose. The books before
revelations are the books of the ANTI-CHRIST, not of christ,
but ONLY SOME of it can be compared to self... we have all
been decieved!

God wishes the good to be in one place as we would wish
ourselves to be in and in the end he will send those to the
place that the aliens/demons and a man or men agreed to create
(what is done on earth is done in heaven, god agree's also)
along with those that would decieve others to not follow their
feelings and are aware that their actions are wrong. This
cannot be seen as punishment, this is placement because to
compare to your essence with your words is a simple task, but
only complicated by being "sightless" which is the biblical
encyption for a lack of understanding. the real god is the GOD
OF HAPPINESS. The real god wishes you to improve yourself and
gain happiness through this and is what I believe all created
things do. As long as the real god stops the suffering and the
lies by sending someone which is me I will be happy then but
I'll still remember what he let us go through. then human life
will no longer be paranoid about going to hell because they now
know their true purpose, to find themselves or accept the
understanding of self and know that they have control over
where they go after death or in life. God is our neighbor, he
is a friend just like satan, but remember HE IS GOD. if you
worship him you are expecting god to handle all of your
problems, when you can handle them yourself. Why you can't
handle your problems is because you are under the illusion that
you cant do anything about it, thats why you cannot see...
which means you have a lack of understanding... if this wasn't
true then why does this instruction along with the others that
I know combined with what I found from my feelings lead to my
key in revelations? Though "it sounds too good to be true" it
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