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Old 04-01-05, 06:37 PM   #11
New to RV
Posts: 7


^^^my sources were found at this website

the site begins....

A most interesting aspect of this prophetic Psalm is that the
opening inquiry of the writer is left unanswered. His searching
question concerns the reason why the peoples of the earth are
hostile to Christ when he returns to subject the earth to his
benevolent rule. The word used in the query, "vain," means
"having no real substance." The distinct implication of the
question is that the world has imagined something that is not
true, that its leaders are deceived in some way. In this work a
possible reason for the opposition to Christ, which it is
believed is related to the "vain" idea those opposing him will
hold, is advanced. It is the sincere desire on the part of
those producing this pamphlet [Antipas in the producing of this
website], to inform the public as to the nature of the
expectations of many modern Bible students, and the possible
consequences that these views may ultimately have when Jesus
returns to this earth. By becoming acquainted with the
evidence, the reader will hopefully then be in a better
position to form his own opinion on the validity or invalidity
of the ideas being put forth respecting future events.

And I will pour upon the house of DAVID, and upon the
inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of
supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have
pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his
only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in
bitterness for his firstborn." (Zech. 12:10)

4. Christ will perform miracles.

"Then the eyes of the blind
shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped.
Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the
dumb sing; for in the wilderness shall waters break out and
streams in the desert." (Isaiah 35:5,6)

^^^what the scriptures in isaiah means is that everyone
psychologically confused will be given their feelings construct
when they recieve and unite with my exercises. When it says
blind people will see... this means you will no longer be
confused or have questions, you will understand everything and
you will develop new knowledge from your new understanding by
uniting with your feelings. and if I can find a way to heal
those that are actually blind or deaf I will.

it continues...

Christ's rule will commence with a proclamation and those who
refuse to submit to it will be crushed.

"And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the
everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth,
and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for
the hour of judgment is come; and worship him that made heaven
and earth and the sea, and the fountains of waters." (Rev. 14:6, 7)

"And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong
nations afar off..." (Micah 4:3) See also Daniel 2:44

I'm sorry... if you don't want your feelings construct, then i
guess the being that created you is going to make you suffer. I
care about all of you and when you hear about my global
presence I doubt anyone would deny me and what I have said to
you all. for the fact that I will create a feeling within
everyone on earth that will make them comfortable about
learning about themselves and all the shame will be behind
everyone because they know that someone that knows is here and
is the one written to come.

this is the end of the page on the web site...

The reader may well reflect at this juncture, "I see clearly
the possibility that due to the remarkable similarity between
what Jesus will do at his Second Coming and what this supposed
Antichrist, according to many writers, would do, that a case of
mistaken identity could certainly result: Jesus could very
definitely be opposed for the reason that many think him to be
this very Antichrist that they had been told about. Two
questions do arise, however: (1) By what authority is it stated
that these expositions of a Coming Antichrist are not sound?
(2) Surely it is not being implied that good christian people,
many of them currently holding this Antichrist view, will be
among those deceived, if the above hypothesis is, in fact,
true? Is the writer unaware that the Rapture will occur just
prior to the manifestation of this Antichrist (according to
present day expositions) and that they will be in heaven with
Jesus during the reign of the Antichrist, and therefore could
not possibly be deceived?"

I am going to tell you gods true plan right now...
What that man said on tbn about what is "bound on earth is
bound in heaven" does not tell you exactly what is happening.
What was bound here was the agreement between the
aliens/satan/demonic angels (aliens in reality) and a man or
men. This agreement was that all people of earth will be
decieved in order for them to gain "souls" for the reserved
place called hell and the man or men agreed with this. And what
is agreed on earth is agreed to in heaven. But the evil angels
and the human followers did not want the rest of the population
of earth to know that what they will be influencing upon the
world are lies - hence deception. So now that these rulers of
earth taught the people of earth these lies, (or words
inaccurate to the feelings construct) have been accepted as the
way life is and I'm sure there were times that these teachings
had to be properly reinforced by violence or some other form of
persuasion from what I feel. Now the time has come for someone
to show the people of the new testament the truth. I know now
because of the understanding of my self that the teachings that
were first taught to us were inaccurate, but accurate enough to
the feelings construct which we had no knowledge of so that it
could be believable. If you do the opposite of what was taught
to us, that would be to speak your feelings. So that is what
must be done. And whatever is the opposite of this so called
"satan" is christ.

God wants you to learn about yourself, I know this now because
my studies led to the key with my name on it in revelations.
After converting most of the understanding of realization to
knowledge i've found gods true plan. And for what a man or men
agreed with "satan" about going to hell... so shall they
because what is bound ON earth will be bound IN heaven by god.
When everyone is taught the truth, this so called "satan" and
his human followers that will not stop embracing him will
suffer at their own creations.

This has been the real plan since satan and a man or men made
the agreement:

If you do not want to go to hell, then find yourself or atleast
try to and say your trying to, you have already been forgiven.
If you do not try then you will spend eternity with satan in
hell. if you don't want to go, you don't have to go. Your
already forgiven.

"I pledge allegiance to the flag........and to the republic for
which it stands, one nation, UNDER GOD, indivisible......"

when they say UNDER GOD they are referring to MOLOCH of the
masonic (masons) organization! This is the unknown god that is
god/allah/jehova in the books before revelations. All 50+
presidents have been worshipping this god in secrecy and has
placed this god in the bible and did not name it! They
dishonestly constructed the image of this god to match the true
god in revelations (church of philadelphia's god) as accurately
as possible but not too much so that it would be accepted by
the human feelings and not attract suspicion.
if you look up the website INFOWARS.COM or PRISONPLANET.COM and
look up DARK SECRETS: BOHEMIAN GROVE, you will see that
president bush and his government officials worship this false
god and have even placed the idol on the base of a national
building only visible when at a high enough altitude above the
national building. AOL has the all seeing eye of the masons,
CBS has the masonic all seeing eye as its icon, one of michael
jacksons albums has the all seeing eye of the masons and the
eye that can be seen on the album is the same eye on the back
of the 1 dollar bill!

VIEW ALL YOU CAN FROM THOSE WEB SITES!!!! do not miss anything
if you want the whole truth. THEY ARE TRYING TO ESTABLISH A NEW
blacks have been writing songs about expressing yourself they
just haven't gotten far enough in expressing themselves to know
whats going on there are MANY artists and leaders thats done
this and I thank them for this, but they shouldn't have made
money for it thats what I don't agree with tho. The church of
philadelphia is going to save everyone and the leader of this
church is david. My name is david and my information is the
same as the black artists and leaders but I have something that
all of them have not uncovered. knowing that moloch is the
unknown god of the bible is not required knowledge its just an
alternative to realization. You cannot uncover your feelings
construct by them telling you whats going on. The true
realization is realizing it for yourself and its possible if
you write down how YOU feel

yes... they can trick you into serving a god and its a very
complex psychological construct, but not a complete construct
because its foreign construct is a comparison to human
feelings. I will explain how they did this to us.
all they need to do is teach people that do not know their
feelings these things which are. Telling them that they have a
soul and your mind is connected to it, this causes your true
feelings to be replicated because it is being accurately
compared by an inaccurate structure. The structure is the
words. So true feelings have been as a computers operation...

Then a story is created in accordance to the configurements.
When the true feelings construct is "overridden" Then the human
beings communications construct is only operational. Do you
understand so far?

Then the human being cannot express himself or herself and
begins to become delusional and can be controlled by the
illusion of being "weak" or without "strength" which are
clich'es for blindness which means lack of understanding. To
accomidate these feelings of weakness and blindness, a god is
presented to them and is said to protect them and BE THEIR

if we want a GOLDEN CROWN which means an unseperated
perception, we would have to recieve new minds from THE TRUE
GOD and that would mean we would have to go to heaven. And I've
specified the requirements to get into heaven. Right now there
is knowledge of "many crowns" and these crowns I am in
possession of and so it is written in revelations about me.
The beings that have done this to us have computer system based
communications or have just implemented computer system
structure to seperate our thoughts into perceptions. Maybe
both, so these beings would be of the abilities of the organic
physical and have a more advanced feelings construct than human

The CROWNS stated on peoples heads in revelations are

Our thoughts are seperated into the perceptions of the
thoughtless, those that think, those that are wise and then
those that realize.. but then there are those that have
identified the origion of the words that control us
psychologically. The origion of these words come from the
structure of computers!

if you have no information to identify and expand your
feelings/understanding so that they may then be converted to
words, you will remain blinded meaning without understanding.
Each perception is appointed a CROWN. And a GOLDEN CROWN is a
being that has not been subjected to the perceptions so as to
seperate their feelings into either of the 4 perceptions. This
would mean that they do not maintain their highest abilities by
the words they speak! Their being is understandable! This
proves that when it says in the bible that gods love cannot be
comprehended, that is a lie because it can be through
identification of cryptic information by the newly aquired
feelings then translated to words.

If cryptic information did not exist we would be lost and
unable to expand our sight/feelings/understanding thus aquiring
happiness and left with nothing to identify. if they took the
bible away from us, there cannot be any additional structure to
be interpreted by our feelings and converted to words.
That would mean I have "MANY CROWNS" just as it says in
revelations! Do any of you understand? you'd have to.

if we want a GOLDEN CROWN which means an unseperated
perception, we would have to recieve new minds from THE TRUE
GOD and that would mean we would have to go to heaven. And I've
specified the requirements to get into heaven.
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