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Old 04-01-05, 09:06 PM   #9
Banned: Biting
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Posts: 242

Originally Posted by Pandemonium
I do nothing since I moved school, I just seem to think I dont have to study and I'll be fine in the final exam. But fuck it, I'll just be a bum.

seriously. why think like this? do you actually want to be doing labour or leaving school and having and endliss hussle?

your privlidged enough to go to school,why waste it? why have a laid back attitude to something that could set your whoel life up,unless of course you are born into a well-off/wealthy family...then school isnt too important cause you have the money allready.

but those who dont have that privalidge...why not make the most out of school and education....
were im originally from the education is a joke...there sint really safe school's.
the rich family's do home schooling while the rest learn from the streets...I was lucky enough to get away from that...but seeing other education systems..then seeing kids clown and fool around really..honestly...truthly amaze's me.

why clown on somthing that is very important to your future?
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