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Old 04-07-05, 04:39 PM   #7
Is F'in Bored
Blackmage's Avatar
Posts: 1,371
From: chambana,illinois
Here you go


Not alot a time i gotta go to work here you go

Is that your new method? Like Gall stones i'll put rocks in ya ass
you'll shit a brick, you waste my time like throwing clocks in the trash
ya efforts is worthless, i got depth like Cass you full surfaced
you couldn't hold a strap if you was bad at snatchin purses
before i make you eat your words just swallow ya loss
yea you're a new method...but so was the holocaust
nobody cares if you're white tryin to get people to stare at him
just shut up and type your work like librarians
since i usually make initials for every lame i get on
Not Ever Worthy Mothafuckin Easy Target to Hit On Dog(Spells new method)
You've hit rock bottom like ya name was mivea (the rock)
just cause it's a new method don't make it a good idea

good luck peace
My SpellBook
Fuck being creative, you guys have certainly given up on it

Knowledge is Power, Stop being Weak

The Legend of Blackmage
Featuring such heads as...Tha Q, 9th degree, Enygma,The green team, Big J and probably you! SO DON'T SLEEP!

Coming soon to a soundclick near you...
