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Old 04-13-05, 02:29 PM   #22
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Posts: 77

Voted For: warrior

shells: sorry man..don't think any of yer lines hit very hard...a couple were kinda bearable, but overall wasn't feelin yer verse. good you used played on his name though...but what was with tha piss test obsession at tha end??

warrior: you had better multis (some a lil forced, but fuck it) and that helped yer flow..right up to the last 3 lines which were wack as fuck and completely out of place. otherwise, you're verse was alright...

both verses fairly equal in name-flips, and both had equally wack endings, but overall i'd have to go with warrior as he edged it on flow and was feelin a few more of his lines (especially tha first 4).

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