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Old 04-17-05, 02:55 AM   #3
Banned: Biting
Durban's Avatar
Posts: 242

equipt with shadyness,maybe this mic is saving kids
with a versitile situation,leading to mixed outcome
Im'a simply sit back,and let my doubt run

Each peice seems to fit together,like a rhyme for-told
are we really born? or just participating in gods auctioned untill your sold
structure of the masses is simply falling apart
Am I a meed, or simply a lost,scared and calling heart
apparently I am whoever i want to be,in this false hope called earth
are we really equal or do some people simply just not deserve
will we rise to be sagnifigant or not stand the test of alltitude
cause the next level maybe auspicious or just throw all your doubt at you
occurance's seem to gleam,but can quickly contain syonide effects
murders connect each killing then forgot or neglect
am i upset or correct to me crazy with rage
ever since my wires got ripped Ive been saving this page
abnoxious antics bring a graffic display of explicit content
fulled with anger and sycotic feelings I had to write this song yet....
It wont release me from this demon inside,Im leaving my pride
If i were to get rid of it,would I gleam or just hide
but I start to think,is this a curse or simply a gift
ever since this has happened,my rhymes have had an uplift
I can now spit with more emotion than malcom making a speach
but Im still not plugged in the sound boards out of reach
I dont need a human,nor a mouth to make music
cause I am the microphone,Of course I know how to use it
With this demon unleashed my creativity has gone out of control
i am now on a mission to the top, lock down on my flow
Like nas all i need is one mic...not even a human to speak
cause with this possesion, Im no longer broken and weak!!