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Old 04-18-05, 05:21 AM   #4
Posts: 1,091

Originally Posted by Drama Queen
It is indeed still an issue...

Or his sister telling me I'm stealing all the good guys away from them and such, that the white girls always be taking the good black guys...

This was in the movie Save the Last Dance. Maybe she had watched it not that long ago?

I'm thinking the "old guy" that Turban ran into is still in the mindset from the times he grew up in. Back in the 60s, everything was still segregated. Statistics shows that today's generation are more open to interracial relationships and my guess it pretty much also depends on where you live. People in the bigger cities probably could care less who dates who. In the future of America, a country sometimes referenced as The Melting Pot, there isn't going to be white, black, brown, or yellow labels.. everyone's going to be the same color.... just like Zion in The Matrix. The white population is already shrinking, and in some places, minorities are now a majority.
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