Thread: Esco vs J DOT
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Old 04-19-05, 11:16 PM   #13
Banned: Cheating
Posts: 335

Voted For: J DOT

I think J DOT took this one. I felt this battle was one sided. I don't think any of Esco's bars landed correctly. Yo structure was ight. I just didn't see nothing big and creative. It wasn't simple, but it wasnt hard. J DOT, you had a entertaining verse. U made me laugh at some points, but I think you lacked harder hitting punches. You did have some good personals in there, and some dope mettas, but that's about it. You can't win every battle like this. I gave you tha vote though, becuase I felt you had tha better style and I felt yo verse flowed better, and just hit harder.

I can take this shit soft, cause I don’t care how you spit
You couldn’t be ‘topping’ Dot if yo first name was ‘whipped’*
Talk loud if you want? That’s tha more times ima ace ya
U don’t know ‘cutting edge’, youngsters can’t play wit ‘razors’
Yo dopest lines, but still nothing big

i'm feelin like Ice cube, cause i know ''today is a good day''
................................all i gotta do is use ''Dots'' ta end J!
^yo dopest line, but still majorly played, you just worded it better than I ever seen

This battle was one sided. J DOT's dopest bars and overall verse took on esco's dope bar and overall verse in my opinion...No hate...
