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Old 04-20-05, 05:03 AM   #3
I have a lot to learn...
Terumoto's Avatar
Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

He sells a lot because he got shot, and because hes the "in" thing... Much like yoyos or.............................................. pogs......................

Also, the success of his newest album is partially due to lies... Sayin an album has gone platinum in 1 week will provoke cats (by cats i mean stupid kids) to think "Oh... A million copies in a week! It must be a downright smashing album! I'll just ask mother to drive me there in the mercedes, lexus, or porsche, whatever mood im in at the time. And then i'll tell her to give me a hundred dollar bill to wipe my ass with so I dont smell when I go to the music store to buy 50 cents album with my allowance of $1000 a day. Then i'll have a slumber party and marvel at how cool being shot and losing loved ones and having no money and conforming to drug addiction is! How swell!!!"
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