Thread: D-Thug vs evil
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Old 04-22-05, 10:24 AM   #4
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Posts: 1,940
From: chicago

Yo, im gonna kill this emcee who thinks he is cold*
Your 17..and you can’t beat a 13 year old?*
Some pretend thug man I give you pity
You think you big? You couldn’t be big if you were pam Anderson tity
Im blowing you over like you were in a shipwreck just hanging on
Im sorry you probally be still sucking dicks like Elton john
My disses are like you hitting a stone wall
Just 1 blow your still gona fall
Dude you rap and your from who the hells knows? Plz tell me your location
I beat you quick like a girl touch your dick and you had premature ejaculation