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Old 04-23-05, 12:32 PM   #8
Posts: 298

Whyte ave - Good structure, pretty good emtotion, and metaphors }but it just seemed like it needed more... you only gave a dim look at the real picture> which is so much more. I think you coulda expanded and made this peice alot more epic.

Mc Iggy - Dag man, it was a prety good peice i'll agree....But I dont agree with you that that is God's plan what so ever... People today are just lazy, and seem to want to repeat history.....thats the athiest's plan more than God's plan > just do what everyone else has been doing for the past million years, and dont ask questions: Ignorance.

All in all i think that Whyte's was better even though it was really vague, and looked moreless the same as Iggy's but had more style to it.

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