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Old 04-23-05, 04:02 PM   #33
Posts: 13,383
From: Canada

Voted For: OneStepBeyond

One sided battle..

OneSTepBeyond - Pretty good drop here, haha liked the closer was funny shit...had a nice flow to your verse, the punches were good and original...some good personals and some nice metas...good vocabulary...haha the patrick swayze punch...good shit, and i liked the elevation line too...nice verse.....7/10

CA$per - your verse wasn't that great...the first line was weak as hell, the second bar was an okay personal, not that great...the installment plan line wasn't that good...was really forced too...the closer was played as jokes are weak...also, don't label opener, and closer...people are's not hard to figure out...verse could use elevation...5/10

Vote: OneStepBeyond