Thread: Love is pussy?
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Old 04-24-05, 10:59 PM   #1
Peace, Love, Unity
Posts: 5,455
Love is pussy?


On RV I've seen a few threads about somebody loving someone or something along those lines and people always give them shit about it.


"Yeah, So I love this girl and...." Then explains the problem or whatever. Or "What ya'll think I should do, I really like this girl and..." then gets more indepth about it. Then one or more people respond with "Oh this pussy nigga in love hahaha faggot!"

Ok, I'm sure the people that said that are all about getting lots of pussy and what not and think being in love is for bitches. I'm just wondering what's so pussy about being in love? I'm sure the feeling I have is alot better than the feeling of gettin alot of pussy. Personally, I'd rather have one girl than many girls. I mean people act like it makes them hardcore to be like that. What ya'll think about this whole love being pussy issue?

I don't know if I explained it well enough but I think I have.

88 miles per hour should do it.
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