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Old 04-25-05, 04:29 AM   #7
Posts: 1,091

Do I miss getting up at 6am every weekday? Do I miss all the social cliques that everyone segregates themselves into? You know, the groups of blacks, asians, jocks/cheerleaders, mexicans, goths, band members, etc... Do I miss carrying a backpack of heavy books to and from school because teachers love to give homework? Only having 30 minutes for lunch and at my school, you can't even leave the school grounds. How the stupid bells sound to end of the period and how everyone files into the halls like cattle to the next class and the next one after that? Hell no, I don't miss high school. I haven't been back since I graduated.

If I had to choose between college and high school, I would take going to college... Although college is harder - like professors go over a chapter a class and exams cover like 10 chapters at once, at least you get more freedom. Don't like having class everyday? Sign up for classes only on Tues/Thurs or MWF and get the other days off. Eat lunch whenever you want for as long as you want. Don't like going to class? Skip it and sleep in... the larger lectures rarely ever take roll... but if you fail, it's your fault.
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