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Old 04-25-05, 06:08 PM   #13
Light Weight
Verbal's Avatar
Posts: 222

Originally Posted by Verbal
If you weren't such a dumbass, you'd see I voted for you on that battle.

Advice: trade in the mic for a skateboard, you whining pansy.

yo boy. wat u wating fo gee, a nigga like me, to drop my shit and PEE/
Cause if u have seen, im the illest in this scene, i had ur mom on the wall screamin at ME/

Pee and poop jokes, and fucking his I said. Wack. Good verses use wordplay, technique, innovation, creativity and complexity. You had none of that....two lines didn't even connect....what I'm getting from this verse is that you squat to take a piss, and somehow go from that awkward scenario to fucking his mother, probably the first time I've ever heard anyone say that. Ever.

what the fuk is wrong with you, my punchlines will knock you on the streetz and make u wear a TUTU/
i heard you were a jew, if it was true, my shit would infect you like the FLU/

Your punches will make him wear a tutu? So you punch like a ballerina?
And try to explain your second verse without sounding like a complete idiot. That line made no sense...

i got 2 bars down, already i have you lookin like a CLOWN/
im lyrically bound, 2 impound, when peeps try to read yo shit its like they DUMFOUND/

More filler. Looks like you're straining to finish the battle. Rhyming multiple words does not make a good verse. If it doesn't make sense. It's apparent you don't know the real meaning of "dumfound", and not only that but you made more of a punch at the audience then the person you're battling...

yo shit is sensible, but that's the way u are so SENTIMENTAL/
mine is the opposite, my shit will stay in yo brain and make you go MENTAL/

You're complimenting him to begin with, and then it tapers off into absolute nonsense. You're trying to rhyme without even thinking about what your verses mean. W-a-c-k.

you have no chance to win, you strugglin like you were intoxicated with GIN/
this is a sin, so just praise the lord, you were smilin so much when u read my shit it turned it into a GRIN/

....weak..........wack..........nuff said.....