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Old 04-25-05, 09:36 PM   #12
American Tiger
I eat kitty's for lunch.
Posts: 1,133
From: Richmond

Dude. You just dont get it.

I aint here to hate, but educate.

U got me mixed up with a 12 year old textcee that doesnt like u cuz u gotta high post count.
Im a 20 yr old emcee who could care less bout what your about. Im just trying to give you some objective opinions and advice beyond what you get from people you "return votes for" and "family and freinds". Consider me Simon from American Idol, they all think he's a jerk, but he say's what everyone else really thinks. Your just a dude thats brainwashed by people who don't wanna hurt your feelings, who in the end will hurt you more.

Im tryna help ya man....
Stop wit the ...u hate me... bullshit. grow up.

I could care less about me beatin u in a battle. Woopty Doo. That has no refference to anything I'm sayin here.

But take that into consideration.

The one person, who tells everyone the truth.....beat u.
I should lose to u 5-0 by the laws of internet battling. Think about it.
An dont get so brave.
The opposite of LatinKitten.
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