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Old 04-27-05, 04:03 PM   #19
Armada Da 187
Banned: Cheating
Armada Da 187's Avatar
Posts: 842

Voted For: D523

Votin for D

ight this battle was close on all accounts of the battle

but i favored D's verse due to his creativity


Punches were creativen hard hittin
strucutre was nice
flow was good and easy to keep wit
wordplay was creative
multies- didnt see any elevate on those
Personals- Creative n hard hittin

ur bes line:
Your teeth are cracked from bitin those lines, this kids a rookie i got a hunch
Because all of his lines are like the old Batman movies-- "Wack" "Punch"
(lol made me cuckle nice n creative)

ight ya had hard punches but some were a lil basic try to get a lil more creative on them
structure was nice n easy to stay wit
flow was nice n easy as well
multies- I didnt see any elevate on those
personals didnt see any man elevate on them

both elevate on multies

D had hard punches n a few hard hittin personals
one ya didnt throw any personals so it made me turn away from your verse

damn good battle from the both of you but the votes goes to D for creative punches and personals

link below sig
