Thread: Yo Canadians..
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Old 04-27-05, 04:12 PM   #55
Middle Weight
Posts: 1,381

yo fuck all you, i dont even rap, and phenominall haha ur jus a punkass weak WHITE WANABE BLACK rapper. i heard ur shit u fuckin suck and i dont give a shit about weakass canada besides i never heard of anyone from canada so stop all hoppin on my dick, why should i try to rap here? theres no talent anyway cept for a few people and trust me none of them r canadians. i hate when u all say everyone here has more talent cause if u all were so good ud b signed to a label and not some underground shit label like phenominall claims to be part of. and there r no sports that originate from cananda here in the US cept hockey and we all saw what happend to the NHL hahaha stupid canadian bitches go drink some more and jump off niagra falls
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