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Old 04-27-05, 11:22 PM   #1
Master Minded
Banned: Cheating
Posts: 1
Metaphorically Speaking


“Metaphorically Speaking”… (society is shit)

I just want to say…:

“The declaration is erroneously spoke
P-Please, let me speak metaphorically
I’ll continue to live by my own philosophy
Society is a fucking joke, and it’s no joke…”


I, to cry a thousand times, to bleed profusely from my eyes
To wish the world would not lead to it’s own demise
I, to stampede, like a thousand unbridled horses
I, to have dreams, for I too, dream of Porsches
I wish to abort abortion, I think it’s murder
I, to hear the whispers of a babies lost murmur
To weep with them, and I have felt the sorrow
Of those who know trepidation of not living tomorrow
My eyes are a waterfall, I cry the tears of my people
Black, white, brown, color is only for the feeble
Then come the weekend, I’m always weakened
Laboring double shift, I find it rather tiresome
They say I tire some, with my many philosophies
Well pardon me, for speaking metaphorically
I feel empathically, and I’ve known struggle
I, to feel your pain doubled when I’m on the double
I, to gaze at the night’s stars, to think metaphysically
After thousands of years, why haven’t we alleviated poverty?
I, to suppurate, to wail, for the whale is a beautiful animal
To cry once more, for numbers of species extinct is natural
I, to ponder god’s will, saying we all came from Adam
I, to ponder the science that says we all came from atom
I, to shed tears, to glower and question our government
T’was them that abounded the columbine shooters with weapons
And I, to wonder why, were sent to war, to slay our brothers
To wonder what has happened, to love from one human to another
They, to say that violence is not the answer, so why, why…
Why must we still be sent to countries to fight, and to die?
We are blood cells, we live life in vain, so incise mine
For I, would rather not cry till the end of time
I, to give these signs of hope, but yet no one listens
So I cry once more, for life isn’t worth living
I, to once again proliferate hate for our damned government
Why did they categorize us with races, countries and continents?
T’was them, that caused chauvinism, racism disgusts me
Were are all human, we are all the same species
So I cry, for if we all lived as one, and shared our money
Then there wouldn’t be any reason left for poverty
If we united, we’d create an unstoppable force “the power of one”
Yet I am the one, to cry, to mourn the death of god’s most beloved son
I, to weep for a savior, whose death was in spite, sorrow grasps me
And so, on Pegasus’s back I lead, angelic troops of high ranked Ptolemy
I, am whatever you want me to be, I am nothing... but a mere message
Now do you know why, I question why? For no man bothers to learn the lesson
So now do you know why, I constantly cry? For no man listens to me
I, to be the one, to be ignored, for I… am just speaking metaphorically
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