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Old 04-29-05, 09:28 PM   #19
Whys That?
Posts: 2,007

Voted For: l i n e .


originality isnt really there. its sorta what you predict from the topic. I perssonaly like drops that bring a whole new twist to the topic.
rhymes could be alot better,emotion is ok. but I think YOU could of done alot better on this. Content is as allready stated, This is too close to the topic, if you feel me? theres isnt much creativity abou tit. you simply took the topic and ran with it..instead of thinking how to bend the topic as far as possible to bring more creativity into it.

good solid drop! so many lines in here that i want to qoute. Alot of imagery in it, too much creativity for one person to handle.... you brought a good original angle to this topic. lyrics are solid, flow is good but the creativity and originality took this for you.
this line is dope!---Becoming a priest in my mind… funerals jumping from all sides