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Old 04-30-05, 12:28 PM   #7
you dont know me
Posts: 242

I lay text easy... like i laid your mother with laytex rubber,
only reason is... she didn't want u having another little brother,
set up was good, bar closer was played to the fullest
king of rv? mostly topicals... how can you ramble the verbs,
coz over 50% of the people you beat, seemed to have been herbs,
you switched it up, closer was good
rappin's like fat club its "survival of the fittest" ill give insisions,
for you to lose weight coz you lost 5-3 to deadly vision,
aight, ill go for this one
i feel "restricted" to tell you bout im unde"rrated" to lose
no wonder his dick is crooked , coz this kid gets abused,
wasnt feeling it
you aint "The Greatest Gift" but whats with the big chase,
coz this faggot couldn't catch me, if i was running in last place,
haha, best line worded.

*verse was decent, wasnt completely a waste
which is good, you had a few killers in there, the
flow was good which counts. and ya had some
original shit, so good verse...overrall it was decent

Lay Text:
Look I Could Say You Have Skill..but Then Rated Would Just Be Lieing..
My Punches Will Have You Going To Abuse Therapy Like Pat'O Brian..
good opener, kinda sets the tone of the verse
I Was Searching For Punches and Couldn't Find One..That's The Mystery..
Problem Is..This Is A Battle..Not A Transcript Of R-Rateds Life History..
haha, aight good good, not diss HIM
This Battles Mismatched..Check The Predictions Yo Man Check The Ratings..
Then Realize R-Rated Always Comes Before Explicit Content Statings..
Your Destruction Was Gifted..Right When Flow Matched Us Up Through Picks..
Because You Winning This Battle Don't Make Sense..Like Homos Without Dicks..
good one, not funny, but good.
Like Paraplegics...Dog Theres No Possible Way You Can Stand My Weight..
Now Watch You Lose This Battle Quicker Than The U.S.'s Abortion Rate..
haha, aight winner.

*better flow, better punches, personals eh...
you had the whole verse on ya side... you would
have received all 8's across the board. good openers
good bar closers, al of it... good. your gonna do
well in this tourney.

vote: Lay Text
(even thought you called me the freepost whore)

good battle yall, and good luck.
Originally Posted by Drama Queen
Shit happens. You step in it. You wipe it off. You walk on.