Thread: Degree
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Old 04-30-05, 05:08 PM   #1
Posts: 103
From: Brooklyn, NY


It's me and Intellect running it. We have room for 2 audio heads, 2 graphics heads, 2 topical heads, and 5 text heads.
So it will be eleven people in this crew.
Try out if you want, we'll only accept the best.
And be warned: Cuts will be given out if you're inactive.
Also, you may be booted out if you get challenged by a member wanting to get in our crew.
So if you join, prepare to join a dope crew and come dope every time.
If you try out, state the thing you're best at (primary), and the things that are secondary but you can still do well.

Example: Hemz - text[topical]

We'll look at everyone, but most probably won't get in.
Think you're good enough? Step up.

Hemz - text[topical]
Intellect - text

Intrepid - text[topical]
Hopesfall - topical
Mauricio - topical[audio]
Mikez - audio
.Prose. - text
Retrospecktive - text
Black Dragon - audio
New Meth0d - graphics [audio/text]
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