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Old 04-30-05, 11:21 PM   #5
Posts: 36

Were both careless in battle man don’t deny the truth
Cuz While ur just careless and well..i could careless about u
and dude looks isn’t everything dawg but ur a fuckin disgrace
And this battle could get ugly…but its no match for ur face
Ill smack this whore and rip out this bums vocal cords
But lets get real even his voice box is made out of cardboard
Your rhymes are shit kid and getting drunk just isn’t in Ur favor
The type to be 3 sheets to the win…and then run out of toilet paper
come on man who would be stupid enough 2 take lessons from u
sure Ur able to spread Ur sickness..reason why half the site is sick…
…………………………………………†¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦ and tired of u
..The League..