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Old 05-01-05, 05:43 PM   #37
King Solo
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hhhhhmmmmmmmm.........1..........2..........3..... ......ya know i've lost count of how many council members been in here ridin Daz.....................and i find it funny how ppl are on my dick...........i'm cool wit mista and DQ from the jury but if they dickrode me then why is it this the only battle mista ever voted in that was mine.......DQ voted against me in my battle before this.........morse code i dont even know and he or she went and voted against me in another battle and skriptz i aint spoken to for fuckin months!!! so all of ya need to shut the hell up adn stop ridin Daz so much....ya dont see me complainin about the people who votin for Daz........what i am complainin about is the amount of ass clowns comin in here droppin feed on daz sayin he owned this battle..........cuz everyone who has voted said it was a close battle......Daz himself said it was close.......i agree with that so all you hoez ridin him just ride him in another battle cuz ya cloggin this shit up with posts!!!!
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